Sermon Series: Highlights from the Book of Romans
6th May
9 am Holy Communion: Love your Friends and your Enemies Romans 12.9-21
10.30 am Morning Worship with Prayer Ministry & Testimony (Breakfast Club from 10 am): Love your Friends and your Enemies Romans 12.9-21
13th May
10.30 am Family Communion: Hope, Race and Power Romans 13.1-3, 14.23, 15.1-7
6.30 pm Taize
20th May
9 am Holy Communion: Pentecost Acts 2.1-21
10.30 am All Age Worship: Pentecost Acts 2.1-18
27th May
10.30 am Family Communion: Trinity Sunday John 3.1-17
6.30 pm Taize