Sermon series on Highlights from the Book of Revelation
Sunday 4th
9 am Formal Holy Communion: Heavenly Worship Revelation 4.8 – 5.10
10.30 am Morning Worship with Prayer Ministry: Heavenly Worship Revelation 4.8 – 5.10
6.30 pm Taize
Sunday 11th
10.30 am Family Communion: A warning about Babylon and its judgement Revelation 18.4-20
Sunday 18th
9 am Formal Holy Communion: The Wedding Feast of the Lamb Revelation 19.1-10
10.30 am Morning Worship: The Wedding Feast of the Lamb Revelation 19.1-10
Sunday 25th
10.30 am Family Communion: A New Heaven and a New Earth Revelation 21.1-8